With the vaccine rollout well underway and restrictions being reduced or removed, we’re certainly in a better position to celebrate Father’s Day in 2021 than we were a year ago. But even if you and your father are fully vaccinated, you may still find yourself planning a virtual or socially-distanced gathering on June 21st. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a day that’s special and fun for Dad, as well as the rest of the family! All it takes is a little creativity. So here are six great Father’s Day ideas. You’re sure to find something here, whether you’re celebrating in person or not.
Sunday Brunch. Brunch is always a good idea and it’s the perfect way to kick off Dad’s special day in style. If you’re able to celebrate in person, whip up a spread of eggs, waffles, and all the trimmings. If you’ll be distanced, you can either order a brunch to be delivered to your dad or drop off a basket of homemade goodies yourself. You could even have a virtual brunch cook-off as a family via Zoom. And it doesn’t just have to be brunch, of course. Father’s Day pizza party, anyone?
Get out into nature. Meeting outside wherever possible is always a good idea in any year. So why not join your dad for a bike ride, a hike, or a walk through your local park? You’ll get fresh air, exercise, and (most importantly) quality family time.
Organize a tasting. A tasting is a fun activity, whether it’s wine, beer, whiskey, chocolate, or something else. (Be led here by your father’s taste.) This is another one of those Father’s Day ideas that works both in-person and virtually. If you’re tasting via Zoom, be sure to send everyone who’s joining a list of what they need or have it delivered to them. Print out or email scorecards and you’re good to go!
Game night. Games are a good way to get the whole family involved. If you’re together, you can tackle a puzzle or board game or get out into the backyard for some lawn games. For a virtual celebration, arrange a trivia night (and don’t forget to include some Father’s Day-themed questions!)
Make it a movie night. Watching a movie together is fun too. You could set up an outdoor movie night with a projector and a sheet in your backyard, or snuggle up indoors on the couch. Virtually, arrange to watch a film together using Netflix Party or an app like Kast or Kosmi. And the film? Dad’s choice, of course!
Go on a picnic. A picnic is another great open-air activity the whole family can enjoy. Pack up a variety of delicious foods (including all your father’s favorites) and a blanket. Then head out into a scenic spot or just your backyard for some sun and fun. If the weather’s not playing along, you can always camp out in your living room!
No matter which of these Father’s Day ideas you choose, you’re sure to have a great time!