Not all wedding planning tasks are fun. (Seating plans, I’m looking at you!) But if there’s one that is always enjoyable (and delicious!) it’s the cake tasting. And what’s not to love? You and your sweetie get to enjoy a couple of hours sampling yummy cakes, fillings, and frostings and combining them into the perfect combination. While the eating part is easy, it’s important to get everything you need out of a cake tasting to ensure you make the right choice of baker and cake. So I’ve rounded up ten wedding cake tasting tips to help you do just that.
First, a quick note about COVID-19. Many bakeries are now offering virtual wedding cake tastings for couples who aren’t able to visit in person. You contact the bakery and arrange for delivery of a tasting box or kit and then schedule a video call with a consultant to discuss your options. So even if bakeries aren’t open in your area, you can have your cake and eat it too – literally!
Here are my top wedding cake tasting tips.
Know your budget. Before you book your cake tasting, it’s important that you have a very clear idea of your overall wedding budget and your cake budget in particular. Make sure that your baker knows your limits so they can present you with the right pricing options.
Get Pinterest-ready. It’s also a good idea to arrive at your cake tasting with some ideas (and pictures) of cakes you like. That way, the baker can get a good idea of your style and the style of your wedding. As well as wedding blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram, it’s a good idea to go through the baker’s portfolio and make note of cakes that strike your fancy.
Share restrictions and preferences up-front. Before your wedding cake tasting, be sure to let the baker know of any important food restrictions or allergies. You should also make them aware of any strong preferences (both for and against certain flavors, for example) so that you don’t waste time on anything that’s a non-starter.
Don’t taste on an empty stomach. Ever gone grocery shopping when you’re hungry? Everything looks and tastes delicious. Have a snack or light meal before your wedding cake tasting to ensure that your hunger doesn’t affect your taste buds.
Try all the different elements separately. Many bakers will present the cakes, fillings, and frostings separately. Even if they don’t, be sure to taste each individually so that you can really taste the flavor before mixing and matching combinations. Try to make sure you taste lighter flavors and cakes first before moving on to richer or sweeter ones.
Drink water in between samples. It’s easy for your palate to get overloaded when tasting anything, let alone a food as sweet as cake. Sip water to ensure you stay hydrated and to refresh your palate between bites.
Take notes. Similarly, everything can start blending together in your mind after a while, so it’s a good idea to take notes as you go. Ask the baker questions about the cakes and frostings you taste, such as how each performs in hot or cold weather, and add their answers to your notes. This is especially useful if you haven’t made a final decision on which baker to use.
Don’t schedule all your tastings at once. A cake tasting isn’t a quick affair. It typically takes 1-2 hours. With that and all the sugar you’ll be ingesting, it’s a good idea to spread out multiple tastings over at least a couple of days.
Limit your entourage. As with wedding dress shopping, it’s a good idea to limit the number of people you invite along. Too many opinions can be confusing and overwhelming – and most people have strong opinions about cake! Ideally, limit it to just the two of you with your wedding planner, with no more than one or two additional family members at most.
Listen to professional advice. While this is your cake and you should have what you want, don’t ignore your baker’s advice. They may have suggestions that will make your cake even more amazing. Don’t be afraid to try an unusual combination if they suggest it, or take their suggestions on board.
With these wedding cake tasting tips on your side, you’re all set to go. Enjoy!
Image by Amy and Stuart Photography