Wedding Dress Fittings 101

Hi friends! Alterations can often make or break your wedding dress. Most wedding gowns (unless they’re custom creations) are made to standard measurements, so chances are you’ll need some significant alterations to make sure the dress fits you just right. You’ll likely have a number of fittings to help get to that perfect place. Here are a few tips:

  • Bring all the undergarments you plan to wear with your dress – bra, bodyshaper, petticoat, hosiery, etc. to ensure the best fit of your dress. Don’t forget the shoes, so your tailor can get the hem length correct. This means you’ll need to do a bit of shopping before your first fitting!
  • Get a second opinion. Bring your mother, a bridesmaid, a sibling or your wedding planner as a second pair of eyes.
  • Snap some photos. Bring a camera or have someone take photos on their phone. Not only does it give you a better sense of how the dress will look in photos, but it’s also a nice way to document the process!
  • Don’t wear makeup. Foundation and lipstick are the specific culprits here. The last thing you want is makeup to rub off on your gorgeous gown! If you’re coming from somewhere and won’t have a chance to remove your makeup, ask your salon for a mesh makeup protector that can prevent makeup from transferring on to the dress.
  • Bring a snack! Many brides underestimate how taxing it can be to stand still for so long. Stash a high protein snack and perhaps some Gatorade to avoid getting light headed.




Header image by Elizabeth Messina